About us

Gone are the days when people used to deal property matters on the basis of "mouth to mouth publicity" or nearby dealers. Globalization and fast lifestyle has encouraged the real estate industry to step in E-World. Now active partakers of real estate world are eagerly seeking the right options to establish themselves in E-Real Estate World."www.Properties_Demo.com" is a solution to all what bothers to people who all are dealing in properties or people who all are searching property. As one of the leading property portals, RealestateIndia has tuned itself with pulse of real estate sector. Moving ahead with esteemed registered users and regularly visited by players of real estate industry, "www.Properties_Demo.com" has become the pivot for real-estate sector

Know us

We are serving this industry since 2007. With our vast experience in the same field, we have emerged as the solitary solution provider. With such an immense exposure in the said domain, we completely understand the needs of our consumers and strive hard to meet the same. Being substantial in the realm of Real estate, we have stridden a long way in a short span of time. With our resolution to raise high, we beat the all hurdles and stood against all odds. This marvelous achievement has been the upshot of the trust, which our clients have shown over the years. www.Properties_Demo.com is owned and managed by Rudra IT Services, a leading brand in web designing services and e-commerce solutions.

Our Mission

Our mission is to touch the horizon where our capabilities may successfully meet with the requirements of our clients, that too with ultimate transparency and cost-effectiveness.

Our Vision

To sow the seeds of par-excellence services with customer centric approach and reap the trust of worldwide clients..